Our new Indian Health Center is Open!
Location: 51 Old Mill Road, Charlestown, RI 02813
The services available through NIHC for eligible Tribal Members and other eligible American Indians and Alaskan Natives (AI/AN) include direct onsite medical, community health nursing, and behavioral health care services and offsite Contract Health Services. Additional program components include advocacy and outreach services, injury prevention, nutrition services, prescription medications, and environmental health services. Tribal members who wish to learn more about NIHC and its services or to schedule an appointment please call NIHC at 401-364-1263 Ext. 107; Ext. 109 for Pharmacy; Ext. 122 for Behavioral Health; Ext. 152 or 252 for PRC; and Ext. 125 for NIHC Administration.
The Narragansett Indian Tribe’s Department of Health and Human Services (NIT/Dept. of HHS) is responsible for the oversight of the Narragansett Indian Health Center (NIHC) and the NIT Office of Social Service Programs (OSSP). Our overall mission is to focus on Health Promotion, Disease Prevention, Safety and Well-Being for the Narragansett Tribal Community.